31 May 2010

The 'other' Coast

The weekend just gone saw us head to the Gold Coast for a bit of an unwind.

This was our view on Sunday morning......

....just thought I would share that!

Nice to have a relaxing weekend before coming home to get stuck into a few custom orders!

28 May 2010

Yummy Fabric

I received some more yummy fabric in the mail yesterday. Can't wait to whip up some funky little daks for winter. I really want to make some for my little groovers who always seem to miss out!

I really must build an extra room to house all of the fabric I own! I am currently planning a trip to Ikea for some space saving storage solutions to use in my sewing room.

At the moment, the room where I create is crammed with a computer desk, computer, filing cabinet, bookcase full of books, cuttin table and small storage table. I have also taken the built in robe doors off and my husband had built in a bench where my machines sit and my completed garments hang above on the built in robe hanger bar. Then I have my fabric sitting in about 6 large plastic tubs and stacked in the room. All this in a small/medium size bedroom of our house....congested much?!

Creation Central

Tubs of fabric scraps

Bits & pieces

I am hoping the solution will be something like this.......

Plenty of pigeon holes for tubs of fabric and a desk which should fit both machines and free up the robe for more storage. Well, that's the plan...either that or I just keep going how I am and eventually drown in the sea of fabric that is beginning to consume my little creative space!

27 May 2010

In my Backyard

This week saw the release of our range of winter shirts called
In My Backyard

Designs that have been created with my little man Kyan from things he loves to look at in our backyard. Thought I would add some pics to the blog.

The 'Incee' shirt has been a huge hit and am in the process of creating some matching pants for a couple of custom orders so will share some pics when done.

Check these and more items out in store now!

24 May 2010

How exciting...

A couple of months back I blogged about Kyan's first ever drawing of a 'person' and how exciting it was.
I was amazed at how quickly he went from not even wanting to try to draw....to....almost overnight, drawing a head with eyes and legs etc.
Well, a few weeks back (I'm a bit slack at my blogging!) I took a picture of this.....on my phone because my camera battery was flat and I needed to get it before he rubbed it out.

I COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES!!!! He called me over to see what he had done and this was it! His blackboard has letters printed down the sides of it and he has copied them to create his name. This is the very first time Kyan ever wrote his name. I have since had it written on my Mother's Day card....which was so nice. He even wrote his brothers name on the card...with a bit of help from Daddy. My clever little chicken :)

17 May 2010

"Shopping" for a school

At the moment, our family is completely pre-occupied with choosing a school for Kyan. He starts Prep next year and it is currently enrolment time at all the private schools. I'm not sure why I'm particularly interested in private schools, I guess I'm just wanting to provide my children with a similar experience to my primary school days. I loved going to Mass and all the singing and activities that went with it. As a primary school aged girl, I thought it was great! I really want those first 3-4 years to be so fun that Kyan's idea of school will be etched into his brain as being fun. Not scary or boring or torturous in any way.

After 'checking out' all the local schools I find myself feeling a bit ho-hum about all of them. I can't help but think that most of the impact comes from the teacher which, in most cases, is almost impossible to know in advance. So my mission over the last 6 months (or more) has been to talk!!! I have been asking any parents I meet about schools that their children go to and what they think. I have even been asking kids....while at my day job....any kids I meet, I ask them about their school.

At this stage I am actually leaning toward a State School. A small school about 10 mins drive from my home. I know the prep teacher who is teaching prep there this year and next year. It's a MAN prep teacher which really appeals to me and he has a little boy very similar to Kyan (they are friends) so I know he knows how to handle Kyan's energy! There will also be about 5 of Kyan's friends from our Mothers Group attending the same school. I think it will be nice for him to start on this journey surrounded by some familiar faces.

Anyway, I shall continue on with my research in the hope of reaching a decision very soon so as not to miss out on the eventual school of choice!

14 May 2010

Hooray for today!

Today I gave notice to my 'real job'. The job (with an ex-employer) I was offered a year ago has somehow morphed into something different and I wasn't liking where it was headed. It meant giving up another day with my boys and so I said NO! For the first time in a long time I listened to my gut and said NO!

My husband is so supportive and really doesn't understand why I went back to work in the first place. I love the people and the social side but when it cuts further into my family time, it has to end.

I haven't felt this great in a long time. I walked out knowing that it was the right thing to do and I feel like the possibilities are endless!!

Now, waiting for the 1st of June when I actually finish and can close the door behind me, this time I'll be leaving it closed & locked!

09 May 2010

Time is flying

Not sure where the days and weeks are going but.....May already!!!???

Been a little busy over the past few weeks and a bit slack on the blogging.
A couple of weekends ago we managed to get up the range to Maleny and had a wander through the rainforest at Mary Cairncross park. It was a beautiful day.

On the way home we stopped in at a little Tea House which used to be Rohan's parents home....it was the home that he lived in for the first 3 years of his life. So nice to be able to wander around and have a look at the house which remains mostly unchanged!

I love this time of year!