31 March 2010

Our Sanctuary

Deciding to spend time at home this Easter has made me excited about getting some (very late) spring cleaning done! I feel like it is long overdue.

While looking around my home, I re-discovered some special little pockets of memories and happiness that I sometimes forget to stop and look at......

Our entry way has some lovely shelves holding special memories. One of our wedding photos and some shells collected from the beach while the photos were being taken.

This sunny little corner is where I am constantly rotating photos of our family. The artwork on the wall was given as a gift from my best friend some years ago. That's me in the middle with my best friend and her sister (my other best friend). We have been the closest of friends since meeting 20 years ago and still speak most days!

Kyan's room is such a happy place to be. When I walk past and look in, it cheers me up. He has many little treasures from Byron Bay in his room and he loves each and every one!

I'm sure over the Easter break I will capture some more images of special places to share with you all.

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